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Advanced Concepts

Build & Deployment

There are a variety of ways to host your Spectacle presentation.

  1. If you are integrating this lib yourself, take your build and follow the linked instructions from any of (but not limited to) the following providers: Heroku, Zeit, or Surge.

  2. If using spectacle-cli (either spectacle --action build or spectacle-boilerplate with yarn clean && yarn build) your output is dist/ and upload that directory to any of the above static hosting providers.

Keyboard Controls

Key CombinationFunction
Right ArrowNext Slide
Left ArrowPrevious Slide
Alt/Option + OToggle Overview Mode
Alt/Option + PToggle Presenter Mode
Alt/Option + FToggle Fullscreen Mode

Query Parameters

A handful of query parameters are supported within your Spectacle presentation. Append your URL with one of the following parameters, like so: &<parameter>=true. To combine parameters, use multiple & to separate the parameters, e.g.: &exportMode=true&printMode=true

ParameterDescription of Use
exportModeFor exporting your presentation as a PDF. Add it to your project URL and "Save to PDF" directly from the browser
printModeTurns your slideshow into a printer-friendly, black & white version. Meant for use concurrently with ?exportMode e.g. ?exportMode=true&printMode=true
presenterModeDisplays a Presenter Mode for ease of presentation. For more info on this mode, please see Presenting in our Basic Concepts doc